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Thursday, August 15, 2019



Protects the body against degenerative deseases.
Helps prevent cancer
It supports skin health
Reduces blood sugar level
Reduces cholesterol
It helps to lose weight
Good for asthma
Back pain
Reduces tension
Support kidney health




Step 1: Take 10 pieces of avocado leaves and wash them thorougly with clean water

Step 2: Put the avocado leaves in a boiling pot and pour 1 liter of water

Step 3: Boil the avocado leaves for 10-15 minutes

Step 4: After boiling the avocado leaves, immediately remove the leaves or immediately pour the made tea into a container

Step 5: Let it cool the made tea before drinking and enjoy the benefits to our body.

Today’s people are very concern about their health. For the reason, they always want to know which food is beneficial. A large number of people consume avocado fruit to get its health benefits. But, do they know the amazing health benefits of avocado leaves? Luckily, using the advanced technology health scientist are able to find out the health benefits of avocado leaves. For the cultivation of avocado mild wind is necessary but heavy wind may responsible for the injury to flower and may affect pollination. Snowfall climate is the hostile environment for the cultivation of avocado. Avocado leaves contain so many ingredients such as flavonol, quercetin, glycosides, polyphenol, flavonoids, estragole, alpha-pinene, beta pinene, cineol, limonene, serotonin, and so on. These nutrients have so many salutary functions in our body.

Avocado leaves contain rich amount of protein and dietary fiber. Usually, this amount of protein and dietary fiber don’t belong to many individual fruits. Avocado leaves can be consumed for the purpose of prevention of various diseases. The leaves also have an adequate amount of minerals such as sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and so on. They have an important role in human body. For example, Calcium helps in the formation of bone, the hardness of bone, and helps in blood circulation. On the other hand, flavonoids are the compounds of avocado leaves. It has great role maintaining health such as anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting, anti-diabetic and keep safe nerve cells from degeneration. Every nutrient has a specific function to improve the condition of the human body.

Avocado leaves are more or less widely known all over the world because of only its health benefits. So many important constituents are present in this leaves which has many positive effects on our health. Some amazing type of health benefits the leaves have. We can get rid of many diseases by consuming avocado leaves. We should have a clear idea of health benefits of avocado leaves so that we can consume it for the right purpose.

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