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Tuesday, August 20, 2019



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Step 1: Take 10 pieces of atis leaves and wash them thorougly with clean water

Step 2: Put the atis leaves in a boiling pot and pour 1 liter of water

Step 3: Boil the atis leaves for 10-15 minutes

Step 4: After boiling the atis leaves, immediately remove the leaves or immediately pour the made tea into a container

Step 5: Let it cool the made tea before drinking and enjoy the benefits to our body.

Atis leaves comes from the plant which produce atis fruit. The fruit also well known as custard apples. It is sweet, creamy flesh and have oval round shape. The leaves believe can cure diabetic due to it benefit for the blood sugar level in human body. Therefore, consuming atis leave extract will benefit to reduce diabetic symptoms.
Atis plant is native to America and West Indies. But the plant is common is Asia region too, including in Philippines. The plant can reach up to 6 meters and has irregularly branches. To cultivate the tree also not difficult. It will grow well in a fertile soil with enough water. Hence, many people in tropical countries grow the plant in the backyard.

The leaves has anti-inflammatory properties and a soothing effect. Therefore, it helps to heal wounds caused by diabetic condition. It will soothe the ache inflammation which normally spread out in the diabetic patient. Furthermore, it will lead to fast recovery of diabetic wound. This is the same as health benefits of arnica as an anti inflammatory to the swollen inflammation.

Potassium and magnesium present in high quantities in these leaves. It is known to relax the muscles of the heart. Therefore, another health benefits of atis leaves for diabetes including to help in preventing the risk of strokes and heart disease. Which normally happen as complicated diseases due to diabetic condition.

Side Effects of Atis Leaves:
Even though there is some health benefits of atis leaves for diabetes, the leave also has some side effects. Below is some caution when decide to consume atis leave extract:

Atis leave may produce allergically reactions such as itchiness or redness. Therefore, sensitive persons with allergically history shall be carefully when consuming the extract.
Diabetic patient who frequently consume the extract shall be carefully not to drop the blood glucose level. Otherwise, it will cause nausea and dizziness due to the dropped blood glucose level.
Pregnant woman shall avoid this extract tea since it can lead to miscarriage. It is better to consume virgin coconut oil due to the health benefits of coconut oil during pregnancy.
Diabetic patient who consume the extract in the middle of the medical treatment shall consult with the medical practitioner first. Since the interact reaction of the extract can interfere the medicine result.
The main important content is vitamins and minerals inside the atis leave. Which can be beneficial for the diabetic. This is the different way with the fruits, which might be harmful for diabetic patient due to the high sugar content.

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