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Friday, November 22, 2019



External hemorrhoids
Sores, Cysts, Warts, and Calluses



Soro-soro (scientific name: Euphorbia neriifolia linn) is a plant that grows abundantly in northern Luzon, particularly in Ilocos Sur. The cactus-like plant has fleshy, oblong-shaped leaves and grows almost into a big tree with stubby thorns.

Karimbuaya or Soro-soro is best ingredients of lechon baboy and manok  
To Norther Luzon, no lechon is complete without karimbuaya. When combined with herbs and spices, karimbuaya lends the lechon a distinct taste and aroma. The milky sap of the plant has medicinal properties and helps remove the unpleasant odor of meat and fish.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

(Water Spinach)


Prevention of Cancer
Reduces Cholesterol
Treatment of Jaundice and Liver Problems
Lower blood sugar level
Useful in treating Anemia
Treatment of fever
Treatment of Indigestion and Constipation
Protection against Heart Diseases
Beneficial for Eyes
Boosts the Body’s Immunity
treat intestinal worm infestation
Promote relaxation and sleep
Rejuvenates Skin
Treatment of skin Diseases


Anti Diabetic

Kangkong is a leafy vegetable usually found in Asian Cuisines that is rich in vitamins and minerals. Kangkong is also used in herbal medicine for the treatment of fever, liver disease, and most importantly diabetes in pregnant women. 

Kangkong, Kangkung (Ipomoea aquatica) is a semiaquatic, tropical plant that flourishes naturally in water and moist soil. Kangkong is an edible plant harvested as a leaf vegetable. Kangkong thrives in tropical and subtropical regions and is more commonly found in Southeast Asian countries.
Kangkong can grow rapidly spreading through waterways forming floating mats that can block water flow and passage of small water crafts. 

Kangkong is a herbaceous trailing shiny vine with milky sap. The stems are hollow, rooting at nodes, usually found trailing in moist soil or floating in aquatic locations. Kangkong leaves are alternate, simple, in the shape of arrow heads about 3–14 cm (1–6 in) long. The hollow vines float on water and the leaves are held above the water line.

Kangkong bears trumpet like flowers whose petals are white or pink-lilac with mauve color at the center. Kangkong has oval or spherical seed pods that contains 1 to 4 gray seeds which may be used for planting.

Kangkong is considered safe even for pregnant women and breast feeding mothers. Kangkong is actually used to treat diabetes during pregnancy. Kangkong might have a side effect of lowering the blood sugar levels. Caution is advised if you are taking diabetes medicine.

Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz) of  Water spinach, raw
                Energy.........................79 kJ (19 kcal)
                Carbohydrates.         3.14g
                Dietary fiber.             2.1g
                Fat.                               0.2g
                Protein.                       2.6g
                Vitamin A equiv.       315 μg (39%)
                Thiamine (B1)           0.03 mg (3%)
                Riboflavin (B2)          0.1 mg (8%)
                Niacin (B3)                 0.9 mg (6%)
                Pantothenic acid(B5) 0.141 mg (3%)
                Vitamin B6.                0.096 mg (7%)
                Folate (B9)                  57 μg (14%)
                Vitamin C.                  55 mg (66%)
                Calcium.                     77 mg (8%)
                Iron.                            1.67 mg (13%)
                Magnesium.              71 mg (20%)
                Manganese.               0.16 mg (8%)
                Phosphorus.              39 mg (6%)
                Potassium.                 312 mg (7%)
                Sodium.                      113 mg (8%)
                Zinc............................  0.18 mg (2%)


          In addition to the benefits given above, water spinach is effective in treating ulcers, menstrual pains, toothache, launched urination, nosebleed etc. It acts as a sedative for people who have insomnia or sleeping difficulty. The juice of spinach mixed with water is used as a cold compress to treat fever. Being anti-venom, it is used to promote vomiting in case of poisoning.